Freeware Utilities
The software listed here is provided AS IS and FREE of charge. If you want to support the development, just buy one of our shareware products.
WorkspaceCover - Solid Color Overlay over Desktop
WorkspaceCover is a simple utility which shows a blank window over the desktop workspace - screen area excluding taskbar. It can be used for screen captures or presentations when you want to showcase some application on a clear background.
Learn more about WorkspaceCover →
Hotkey Screener - Enumerate Global Hotkeys
Hotkey Screener enumerates all system-wide hotkeys installed with the RegisterHotKey API. For every hotkey, you can press “Detect application” and see which application responds to this hotkey. Hotkey Screener can handle all 64-bit and 32-bit processes running with standard and administrative privileges.

Learn more about Hotkey Screener →
WndFromPoint - Window from Cursor Position
WndFromPoint is a simple utility which allows you to retrieve information on a window under the mouse pointer. WndFromPoint just reads the cursor position and stays always-on-top displaying window info.

Learn more about WndFromPoint →
Bad Application ;)
This tool does nothing! It only emulates a bad application. Bad Application allows you to change its process priority, start an endless loop (i.e. “hang” or stop responding) and crash its process. In addition, it can flash window and terminate the shell process – Windows Explorer.

Learn more about Bad Application →
TaskSwitchXP - Alt-Tab Replacement for XP (deprecated)
TaskSwitchXP is an advanced task management utility that picks up where the standard Windows Alt-Tab switcher leaves off. It provides the same functionality, and adds visual styles to the dialog and also enhances it by displaying thumbnail preview of the application that will be switched to.

Learn more about TaskSwitchXP →
VistaSwitcher - Enhanced Alt-Tab for Vista (deprecated)
VistaSwitcher makes it easier for you to locate windows and switch focus, even on multi-monitor systems. The switcher window consists of an easy-to-read list of all tasks running with clearly shown titles and a full-sized preview of the selected task.

Learn more about VistaSwitcher →
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