Download Latest Versions

Here is the full list of our products with direct download links:

Cross-Platform Apps

Product Version Download URL
Screenshot Remote 1.0.5 For Windows For Mac & iOS For Android
Upload Remote 1.0.3 For Windows For Mac & iOS For Android

Windows Software

WinSnap 6.1.2 Download
WinCam 3.8 Download
Visual Subst 5.8 Download
Alt-Tab Terminator 6.4 Download
Close All Windows 5.9 Download
WindowSpace 2.6.3 Download
Sticky Previews 2.9 Download
Hidden Start 5.1 Download

Freeware Tools for Windows

WorkspaceCover 1.1 Download
Hotkey Screener 1.1 Download
WndFromPoint 2.0 Download
Bad Application 1.2 Download
TaskSwitchXP 2.0.11 Download
VistaSwitcher 1.1.5 Download

Most programs work on Windows 7 and above. Please visit product pages for more details.

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