NTWind Software - Looking Back At 2009

Time goes by so fast - 2010 is coming very soon! As the year draws to a close, let me take a look back at 2009 and recap the most important releases of the year.

February 2009 - WinSnap 3.0: Ultimate Screen Capture

WinSnap 3 has introduced a new interface, reflection image effect, ability to clear Aero background under Vista and much more.

WinSnap 3 - Main Window

WinSnap Screenshots & Feature Highlights →

April 2009 - WindowSpace 2.0: Windows 7 Like Actions for XP and Vista

WindowSpace 2.0 has allowed users to manage windows in a much more convenient way. Its Snap-To-Side feature is similar to the new Aero Snap feature in Windows 7.

WindowSpace - Snap-To-Side Feature

Snap-To-Corners feature:

WindowSpace - Snap-To-Corners Feature

What's New In WindowSpace 2.0 →

June 2009 - WinSnap 3.1: Support for Windows 7 and New Taskbar

WinSnap 3.1 has added support for Windows 7 and its new Taskbar/Superbar:

Rounded corners in Windows 7 Rounded corners in Vista
Rounded corners in Windows 7 Rounded corners in Windows Vista
Windows 7 - Task List

WinSnap - Screen Capture For Windows 7 →

July 2009 - Hidden Start 3.0: Start Non-Elevated Apps From Elevated

Hstart 3.0 has provided an easy and native way to start non-elevated applications from a command line or a batch file, even if the command line process is elevated (runs under admin).

Hidden Start - 64-Bit Edition

Hidden Start Homepage & Examples →

September 2009 - VistaSwitcher 1.0: Brand New Alt-Tab for XP, Vista, 7

TaskSwitchXP was good, but it looks a bit outdated now. VistaSwitcher has inherited the best features of its predecessor, provided a new look and support for Vista and 7.

VistaSwitcher - New Task Switcher

VistaSwitcher - Brand New Alt-Tab Task Switcher →

More releases are coming in 2010. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!

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