WinSnap - Screen Capture for Windows 7

WinSnap is the first screen capture utility that offers complete support for both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 7 – the latest operating system from Microsoft.

Windows 7 Taskbar Features

Windows 7 comes with a re-designed version of the Taskbar – Superbar. This is indeed a major feature update for Windows 7. To make it even easier to start a screen capture, we added full support for the new Taskbar into WinSnap.

Drag WinSnap icon to the Taskbar to take advantage of the new Windows 7 features:

Windows 7 - Pin to Taskbar Windows 7 - Taskbar Icon

Right-clicking the WinSnap icon in the Taskbar or moving the icon upwards with left click reveals its Jump List:

Windows 7 - Task List

Now you have speedy access to the main screen capture tasks with just one click.

Screen Capture Capabilities

WinSnap has always had the ability to capture non-rectangular windows and regions. Note that the rounded corners on Windows 7 are different from Windows Vista:

Rounded corners on Windows 7 Rounded corners on Vista
Rounded corners on Windows 7 Rounded corners on Windows Vista

WinSnap 3.1 supports both styles. If you are using WinSnap Portable Edition, it will automatically switch between these styles on Windows Vista and Windows 7.

"Clear window background" feature now works for maximized windows as well as for non-maximized (no need to place windows on a white background while taking screenshots).

Maximized window on Windows 7

WinSnap allows you to achieve better screenshots faster and easier on any Windows OS!

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