What's New in WindowSpace

Below is the list of the latest news and blog posts on WindowSpace. You can subscribe to the NTWind News by email or RSS to stay up-to-date with our products and services.

WindowSpace v2.6.3 - Japanese Language and More

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.6.3 (October 13, 2020):

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 13-Oct-20 14:26

WindowSpace v2.6.2 - New Languages and Bug Fixes

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.6.2 (November 27, 2019):

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 27-Nov-19 13:37

WindowSpace v2.6.1 - Metro Apps Support

An updated version of WindowSpace was released today.

WindowSpace - About

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.6.1 (March 12, 2018):

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 12-Mar-18 15:24

WindowSpace v2.6.0 - Support for Windows 10

This release of WindowSpace adds full support for Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit. No more issues with hotkey combinations and incorrect window placement!

WindowSpace v2.6.0 - About Box

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.6.0 (August 25, 2015):

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 25-Aug-15 13:12

WindowSpace v2.5.9 – Support for Per-Monitor DPI

This maintenance release of WindowSpace fixes several issues with unusual multi-monitor configurations and taskbar placement. It also adds full support for Windows 8.1 per-monitor DPI settings.

WindowSpace v2.5.9 - About Box

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.5.9 (March 6, 2014):

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 06-Mar-14 08:07

WindowSpace v2.5.7 - Support for Windows 8 Release Preview

New version of WindowSpace is available for download now. It's a maintenance release which adds support for Windows 8 Release Preview:

WindowSpace on Windows 8 PC

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.5.7:

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 02-Jun-12 09:17

WindowSpace v2.5.6 - Maintenance Release

New version of WindowSpace was released today, changelog:

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)
WinSnap 4 updated to dev2 - forum topic

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 21-Nov-11 15:12

WindowSpace v2.5.5 - Win + Arrow Keys in Windows 7

New version of WindowSpace was released today. Even on Windows 7, you can reassign now Win + Arrow Keys in the WindowSpace Settings. After a few hours of investigation I found a workaround to fix this annoying issue.

WindowSpace Settings - Hotkeys

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.5.5:

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 19-Sep-11 15:44

WindowSpace v2.5.4 - Improved Update Process

New version of WindowSpace contains a greatly improved installer. Finally, I fixed an issue with updating WindowSpace DLLs caused the following error to be displayed:

WindowSpace Setup - Install Error

Starting from v2.5.4, WindowSpace setup asks for rebooting (if DLLs are in use):

WindowSpace Setup - Update Process WindowSpace Setup - Reboot Now

If reboot is not required, the setup page looks like before:

WindowSpace Setup - No Reboot

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.5.4:

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 06-Apr-11 16:33

WindowSpace v2.5.3 - German & Dutch Translations

This maintenance release of WindowSpace contains a few updated language files and several minor improvements. Version information and "Check for Updates" link are now shown in the Settings dialog.

WindowSpace Settings - Version Information

Changelog for WindowSpace v2.5.3:

Download WindowSpace (32-bit and 64-bit)

Posted by Alexander Avdonin on 13-Feb-11 08:12

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