WinSnap Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcut keys are system oriented, and should work in all applications even if the WinSnap window is inactive or hidden. You can always reassign hotkeys to your desired choice in Settings.

Print Screen Replacement

Hot Key Description
Print Screen New snapshot (using the current capture mode)
Shift + Print Screen Take snapshot of the entire screen
Ctrl + Print Screen Take snapshot of the active application
Alt + Print Screen Take snapshot of the active window
Ctrl + Shift + Print Screen Start the Object / Multi-Object selection
Ctrl + Alt + Print Screen Start the Region selection

WinSnap Accelerator Keys

These shortcut keys work only when WinSnap is active.

Main Window Accelerator Keys

Shortcut Key Description
Ctrl + N New snapshot
Ctrl + O Open an image
Ctrl + S Save image
Ctrl + Shift + S Save image as...
Ctrl + E Open file location in Explorer
Ctrl + P Open the Print dialog
Ctrl + Shift + P Send image to the default printer
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Insert Copy image to clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy thumbnail to clipboard
Alt + Ctrl + C Copy file path to clipboard
Ctrl + V, Shift + Insert Paste image from clipboard
Delete Clear image
Escape Minimize WinSnap to the system tray
Ctrl + 1 Take snapshot of the entire screen
Ctrl + 2 Take snapshot of the active application
Ctrl + 3 Take snapshot of the active window
Ctrl + 4 Start the Object / Multi-Object selection
Ctrl + 5 Start the Region selection
Alt + 1,2, ... 9,0 Run the specified custom command (Tools menu)
F2 Open the Settings dialog

Object / Multi-Object Selection Mode

Shortcut Key Description
F1 Show/hide the helper window
Arrow Keys Move the mouse pointer by one pixel
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move the mouse pointer by 10 pixels
Middle Mouse Button
Add an object to the current selection
Left Mouse Button
Accept the current selection
Backspace, Delete Cancel the current selection
Escape Cancel the Object selection mode

Region Selection Mode

Shortcut Key Description
F1 Show/hide the helper window
Arrow Keys Move the mouse pointer by one pixel
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move the mouse pointer by 10 pixels
Enter, Space,
Left Mouse Button
Accept the current selection
Backspace, Delete Cancel the current selection
Escape Cancel the Region selection mode
