How to Contribute

We are happy to offer some of our products absolutely free of charge, so that everyone interested can afford to use them. Despite the fact that our freeware is of zero cost to users, it has been made with love and eagerness, with every single detail receiving special attention.

We care of our freeware products as much as we do of our shareware: WinSnap and others.

All our freeware products are adware free! Much effort was put into development to make them as fast and reliable as they are. We are very pleased with the results and we hope you enjoy them, too. If you want to make a donation and support our work, click the Donate button below:


Interested in helping in other ways? Great! Here are a couple of things you can do to get involved:

  1. Provide feedback. Help us to improve our products by sharing your ideas, suggesting new features, and reporting bugs (if any). We are always glad to hear from you. Use our software and tell us what you really think!
  2. Spread the word about our software. Discuss our tools on the relevant forum of your choice or bookmark the page in your favorite social network. Your promotion and partnership ideas are very welcome!
  3. Tell your friends. Let others know about this great piece of software you are using!
  4. Write a review on your blog. Tell your readers why you like our products and which of the features you find the most exciting and advantageous.
  5. Record a video tutorial. Make a short presentation describing the vast capabilities of our products. Share the video on YouTube or similar services.
  6. Help to improve the website and the documentation. If you see anything on this website that seems to be inaccurate, misleading or not functioning properly, please let us know.
  7. Translate into other languages. Help to translate our products into your native language or improve the existing translation.

Thank you very much!

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