How to Register CloseAll
In order to unlock the full-featured version of CloseAll, you must have a serial number provided by NTWind Software. The serial number can be purchased online at this website, go to the order page for more information.
Enter Licensing Information
Once you have a serial number, you can proceed to the software registration. Follow the steps below to register your copy of CloseAll.
- Run CloseAll and click Enter License Key in the UNREGISTERED VERSION dialog:
Alternatively, you can open the Help menu or click the button on the yellow message bar:
- This will bring up the registration dialog:
Enter your registration name and serial number in this dialog and click OK.
Windows Vista and above
CloseAll prompts for administrative privileges to save the licensing information for all users in the system. If you click Cancel in the UAC confirmation dialog, CloseAll will be registered for the current user only.
- Congratulations! Your copy of CloseAll is registered:
Now you can start working with a fully functional version of CloseAll.
Lost your product key?
If you have lost your product key, contact us. Remember to provide some information about you and your purchase (order#, email, name, company, approx. date, etc).
- E-mail:
We will gladly re-send you the licensing information at no charge.
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